IT Risk Advisory Services

Based on the highest level of expertise and experience, we provide DX (Digital Transformation) services to help clients identify and manage risks effectively.

IT Risk Advisory Services

Detailed Services
External Audit Services
Other Audit Services
Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements

Introduction to IT Risk Advisory Services

1. Dedicated Service Organization

PKF Seohyun operates with specialized teams consisting of experts in accounting, data analytics, SAP, and ESG fields. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client, considering their industry and specific circumstances.

2. Collaboration with Global No.1 Solutions Providers

Through our partnership with Diligent, a leading GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) company, PKF Seohyun brings state-of-the-art solutions to Korea. Our Boards, ESG, and Audit solutions help businesses in today's diverse corporate environments by providing clear insights into complex risks and proactive response platforms.

Detailed Services of IT Risk Advisory Services

IT Assurance

  • IT Audit and Assessment of Internal Control Systems
  • SoD (Segregation of Duties) Risk Scenario Design, Diagnosis, and Improvement Guidance

Information Security Disclosure

  • Pre-assessment of Information Security and Proposal of Information Security Disclosure Methods

DX (Digital Transformation) Risk Management System

  • Cash Validation: Verification of financial period and inter-company fund transactions and accounting integrity
  • Establishment of Continuous Monitoring Systems: Business risk control and management through Data Analytics

Solution Provision

  • Diligent 'BOARD': Digital communication solution for executives and boards of directors
  • Diligent 'ESG': Monitoring and verification solution for ESG disclosure data (Scope 1, 2, 3)
  • Diligent 'Audit': Integrated analysis and automation solution centered around ACL Analytics

Key Professionals