Defense Industry Specialized Consulting

Defense industry experts provide the best services based on extensive experience.

Defense Industry Specialized Consulting

Detailed Services
Defense accounting advisory
Defense cost consulting
Support for overseas export of defense materials
Defense industry M&A advisory

Introduction to Defense Industry Specialized Consulting

Amid increasing societal interest due to changes in the security environment and the overseas expansion of defense companies, Seohyun offers defense industry services based on extensive experience and deep understanding of the industry.

Detailed Services of Defense Industry Specialized Consulting

  • Establishing and Advising on Accounting Systems for the Defense Industry
  • Cost Verification, Cost Analysis, and Cost Settlement in the Defense Industry
  • Support for Overseas Export of Defense Materials
  • M&A Advisory for Defense Companies

Key Professionals

서현회계법인 대표이사 : 배홍기 Address : 3rd floor, West Building, POSCO Center, 440 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel : 02-3011-1100 / FAX : 02-554-0124 Disclaimer"PKF 서현회계법인은 PKF International Limited의 회원사로 구성된 네트워크인 PKF Global의 회원사이며, 각 PKF 회원사는 각각 독립된 별개의 법인입니다. PKF 서현회계법인은 다른 개별 회원사 또는 제휴법인의 행위에 대해 어떠한 책임이나 의무도 지지 않습니다. 'PKF' 및 PKF 로고는 PKF International Limited와 PKF Global 네트워크의 회원사가 사용하는 등록된 상표입니다. 네트워크의 회원사 자격이 없는 그 누구도 이 상표를 사용할 수 없습니다.

PKF Seo-hyun Accounting Corporation is a member of PKF Global, the network of member firms of PKF International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm(s).
'PKF' and the PKF logo are registered trademarks used by PKF International Limited and member firms of the PKF Global Network. They may not be used by anyone other than a duly licensed member firm of the Network.
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