Tax audit support service

Those who are good at conducting audits are also good at defending against them. Free yourself from the fear of tax audits with Seohyun.

Tax audit support service

Detailed Services
Tax Audit Support
Tax Basis Consultation
Tax Fact Determination Consultation
Tax Offense Response

Introduction to Tax Audit Assistance Services

1. Overview and Strengths of Tax Audit Assistance Services

Recent tax audits are conducted as integrated audits, often including investigations into inheritance, gifts, stock changes, and fund sources related to the family of the owner. Additionally, the globalized corporate environment has made international tax issues, such as transfer pricing, more frequent. Unlike the past, it is difficult for companies to handle these issues alone; effective response requires experts in various tax fields.

Tax defense is best handled by experts proficient in audits. They need to have the capability to logically respond appropriately at each stage of the audit. Considering the company's manpower and costs, you can choose the appropriate type of service.

Seohyun forms specialized teams according to type and industry, led by experienced tax accountants from the National Tax Service, to provide effective audit assistance, especially to prevent the audit from escalating to a tax evasion case.

Seohyun has top experts in all tax fields, including corporate tax, stock movements, fund sources, international tax, tax evasion, and value-added tax. With our extensive experience in successfully assisting tax audits for major corporations, including the top 10 groups and leading banks in Korea, we help companies of all sizes and industries successfully undergo tax audits.

Seohyun combines the strengths of tax firms, accounting firms, and law firms to provide customized tax audit assistance services tailored to the taxpayer's size and industry characteristics.

2. Process of Tax Audit Assistance Services

Seohyun provides customized tax audit assistance services that leverage the strengths of law firms, accounting firms, and tax firms, tailored to the size and industry characteristics of the taxpayer undergoing the audit.

On-site Task Force Dispatch to the site and preparation of advisory reports
  • - Preliminary review of requested materials by the audit team
  • - Development of response logic and preparation of explanatory documents for tax issues
  • - Estimation and review of tax amounts for tax issues
Direct Response to Audit Team In addition to the above services, direct face-to-face service with the audit team is provided.
  • - Smooth communication with the audit team through expert advisors
  • - Preemptive measures before potential tax issues become formal disputes
  • - Rapid identification and effective response to key issues regarding tax intentions and grounds
Internal Task Force Formation of an internal work team within the corporation Support for logic development and preparation of explanatory documents by a team of experts within the corporation
  • - Meetings with company representatives or internal team experts to discuss audit responses
  • - Development of effective response logic and preparation of explanatory documents for tax issues
Dedicated Advisory Team Formation of a dedicated advisory team of experts Support for logic development and preparation of explanatory documents by a team of experts within the corporation
  • - Meetings with company representatives or internal team experts to discuss audit responses
  • - Development of effective response logic and preparation of explanatory documents for tax issues

Detailed Sevices of Tax Audit Assistance Services

Tax Standard Advisory

When the tax issue involves tax law interpretation, the audit team may apply for tax standard advisory. If the issue involves a new interpretation or has significant implications, it may be referred to the Legal Interpretation Review Committee for an answer. Although taxpayers cannot apply for this themselves, they should submit a professional opinion letter in advance, fully reflecting their stance on the issue, to ensure a correct interpretation according to the tax regulations

Tax Fact Judgment Advisory

When the tax issue involves factual judgment rather than legal interpretation, it may be referred to the Tax Fact Judgment Committee. Taxpayers cannot request this referral; the audit team decides whether to refer the issue. Since referral to the Tax Fact Judgment Committee cannot be made after the audit period ends, it's crucial to ensure the opportunity is not missed for major issues. From the audit team's perspective, utilizing this referral actively helps mitigate potential future tax disputes.

Response to Tax Evasion Cases

If the National Tax Service, during a tax audit, suspects tax evasion or false (fabricated) tax invoices, it may convert the case to a tax evasion case based on the decision of the Tax Evasion Committee. Depending on the severity of the suspicion, the National Tax Service may issue a penalty notice or file a complaint with the prosecution (police) for violations of the Tax Offenses Act. The criminal consequences can vary significantly depending on whether the taxpayer is charged with violating the Tax Offenses Act or the Specific Crimes Aggravated Punishment Act. Therefore, it is essential for taxpayers to seek assistance during the tax audit stage before any charges are filed.

Major Performance

Seohyun boasts outstanding performance across all tax fields, including corporate tax, VAT, income tax, gift tax, and local taxes.

Key Professionals

서현회계법인 대표이사 : 배홍기 Address : 3rd floor, West Building, POSCO Center, 440 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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