M&A tax advisory service

We provide the optimal solutions for companies through an in-depth analysis of various tax issues.

M&A tax advisory service

Detailed Services
Tax Advisory Services
Tax Due Diligence
Tax Diagnostics

Introduction to M&A tax advisory service

1. Overview and Strengths of M&A Tax Advisory Services

In a rapidly changing business environment, corporate restructuring is essential to enhance corporate value and improve management efficiency. Through appropriate restructuring, companies can separate strategic management functions and business functions to strengthen core businesses, establish long-term inheritance and gift plans, and minimize related taxes.

Seohyun has the best dedicated team with extensive experience in the restructuring of numerous large and mid-sized corporate groups in Korea, including mergers, demergers, comprehensive stock exchanges, and in-kind contributions. This dedicated team reviews various tax issues that arise during the corporate restructuring process and provides companies with optimal solutions through in-depth analysis.

Detailed Services of M&A tax advisory service

Tax Advisory for Corporate Governance Restructuring and Succession

We provide tax advisory services to minimize tax leakage during the corporate governance restructuring and succession process, tailored to each company's needs, such as management succession or the gifting/inheritance of shares.

Tax Advisory for Mergers, Demergers, In-kind Contributions, and Stock Exchanges

We offer comprehensive solutions and advice on various matters to achieve strategic objectives such as enhancing corporate value, strengthening management transparency, and improving organizational efficiency through corporate governance restructuring.

Investment/Sale Structure Advisory and Tax Due Diligence

We analyze the tax effects of investment/sale structures, present alternatives, and diagnose potential tax risks to support investment/sale decision-making.

Corporate Tax Advisory and Tax Diagnosis

Through a thorough preliminary review of the company's internal control organization, tax/accounting treatment, and supporting documents, we identify potential tax risks and issues, prepare appropriate preemptive measures to minimize tax risks, respond promptly to various emerging tax issues, and continuously manage the company's potential tax exposure.

Major Performance

  • Provided tax advisory on restructuring and succession, including human division, comprehensive stock exchange, and overseas subsidiary restructuring for Company C, as well as tax advisory on succession-related authoritative interpretations and avoidance of undue benefits.
  • Advised Company T on material division, mergers, and other restructuring and succession-related tax matters.
  • Provided tax advisory on restructuring and succession, including human division and mergers, for Company S.
  • Provided tax advisory on restructuring and succession, including human division and mergers, for Company K.
  • Provided tax advisory on capital transactions and stock transfers, as well as restructuring and succession-related matters for Company I.
  • Advised Company P and numerous other group companies on restructuring, including in-kind contributions to overseas subsidiaries.

Key Professionals

서현회계법인 대표이사 : 배홍기 Address : 3rd floor, West Building, POSCO Center, 440 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel : 02-3011-1100 / FAX : 02-554-0124 Disclaimer"PKF 서현회계법인은 PKF International Limited의 회원사로 구성된 네트워크인 PKF Global의 회원사이며, 각 PKF 회원사는 각각 독립된 별개의 법인입니다. PKF 서현회계법인은 다른 개별 회원사 또는 제휴법인의 행위에 대해 어떠한 책임이나 의무도 지지 않습니다. 'PKF' 및 PKF 로고는 PKF International Limited와 PKF Global 네트워크의 회원사가 사용하는 등록된 상표입니다. 네트워크의 회원사 자격이 없는 그 누구도 이 상표를 사용할 수 없습니다.

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