Tax Appeal Services

Highest industry citation rate! Consistent service from pre-tax review to litigation.

Tax Appeal Services

Detailed Services
Tax Audit Assistance
Tax Basis Consulting
Tax Determination Consulting
Tax Litigation Support

Introduction to Tax Appeal Services

1. Overview and Strengths of Tax Appeal Services

Seohyun, in collaboration with Doohyun Law Firm, offers a one-stop service that combines the expertise of top tax and legal professionals, renowned for the industry's highest success rate and top quality. Our team includes advisors with experience at the Tax Tribunal, experts from the National Tax Service, certified public accountants, and tax lawyers specializing in various fields. These experts solve complex issues with accumulated experience and know-how.

Seohyun excels in finding the best logic to ensure no taxpayer is treated unfairly and helps tax authorities conduct proper taxation. We have provided top-level tax appeal services for top 10 conglomerates and high-value tax cases exceeding 100 billion won.

Seohyun selects the optimal appeal procedure based on the specifics of the taxed issue and provides consistent service even if the case proceeds to tax litigation, working jointly with law firms. Since pre-assessment reviews, objections, and tax appeals are handled by different administrative bodies, the strategies for each must be distinct.

2. Tax Appeal Service Process

Analysis of the Characteristics of the Taxed Issue Understanding of Substantive Facts and Legal Relationships Logical and Persuasive Response
Analysis of past taxation cases
Prediction of success probability
Decision on customized procedures and strategies
Analysis of related legal relationships
Understanding of tax authority's logic
Establishment of response logic against tax grounds
Preparation of written materials and reference documents
Thorough preparation for persuasion
Effective communication and persuasion

Detailed Services of Tax Appeal Services

Tax appeals involve procedures for taxpayers whose rights or interests are infringed by tax dispositions to request the cancellation or modification of those dispositions. This includes pre-assessment review as a preventive remedy, and objections, appeals, and litigation as post-remedy methods.

Pre-assessment Review :
Filing for review with the tax office or the National Tax Service regarding tax assessment notices. It serves as a preventive remedy that can be quickly resolved before the tax notice is issued.
Objection :
Filing for review with the tax office that issued or should have issued the disposition. After an objection, one can still file for appeal or re-examination.
Tax Appeal :
Filing with the Tax Tribunal (under the Prime Minister's Office) to contest the legality of the tax disposition. It is handled independently and neutrally by the Tax Tribunal.
Re-examination :
Filing with the National Tax Service or the Board of Audit and Inspection to contest the legality of the tax disposition. Strategic recommendations are advised against filing for re-examination with the National Tax Service if pre-assessment review was conducted.

Major Performance

Seohyun boasts outstanding success rates across all fields, including corporate tax, value-added tax, income tax, gift tax, and local taxes.

Key Professionals

서현회계법인 대표이사 : 배홍기 Address : 3rd floor, West Building, POSCO Center, 440 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel : 02-3011-1100 / FAX : 02-554-0124 Disclaimer"PKF 서현회계법인은 PKF International Limited의 회원사로 구성된 네트워크인 PKF Global의 회원사이며, 각 PKF 회원사는 각각 독립된 별개의 법인입니다. PKF 서현회계법인은 다른 개별 회원사 또는 제휴법인의 행위에 대해 어떠한 책임이나 의무도 지지 않습니다. 'PKF' 및 PKF 로고는 PKF International Limited와 PKF Global 네트워크의 회원사가 사용하는 등록된 상표입니다. 네트워크의 회원사 자격이 없는 그 누구도 이 상표를 사용할 수 없습니다.

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