Inheritance and Gift Tax Services

Seohyun boasts the highest number of inheritance and gift tax cases handled in the country. We offer a one-stop service in collaboration with specialized inheritance lawyers.

Inheritance and Gift Tax Services

Detailed Services
Inheritance tax service
Advance gift service

Introduction to Inheritance and Advance gift tax services

1. Inheritance Tax Service

  • Sudden inheritance is something everyone has to go through, but you can't help but be at a loss as to what to do. Inheritance tax reporting and investigation involves verifying numerous issues related to the property managed by the deceased throughout his or her life, so unexpected contingencies or issues may arise. Thorough analysis and response are required in advance. This is why the help of a skilled and experienced professional is absolutely necessary when it comes to inheritance.
  • Seohyun is the first in the industry to operate a dedicated property tax team. The best experts on inheritance, including tax experts who were active in private banks, have the most experience and know-how in the industry. Seohyun carefully handles the work from the perspective of a grieving family with optimized strategies and analyzes, taking into account the characteristics, size, and type of inherited property. This ensures that all customers who received the service and consulted on inheritance issues were satisfied and continued the service for generations. Thank you for becoming a good customer of Seohyun.

Detailed Services of Interpretation of rights and legislative revision services

  1. -Inheritance guidance and consultation
  2. -Financial data analysis: Analysis of financial transactions of the past 10 years of the deceased and heirs
  3. -Required materials for inheritance tax reporting
  4. -Inherited property registration: Inheritance registration according to the division agreement
  5. -Documents required for inheritance registration: Documents related to division of inherited property and inheritance registration
  6. -Inheritance tax reporting and guidance
  7. -Evaluation of inherited property
  8. -Response to inheritance tax investigations, etc.

2. Advance Gift Service

  • An unprepared inheritance will inevitably result in heavy inheritance taxes and property division problems for the remaining family members. However, inheritance is also a field of tax planning where you can find the optimal alternative to inheritance tax burden and property division issues if you prepare in advance.
  • Pre-gift services generally take a long time from the beginning to completion through inheritance and therefore require specialized knowledge, experience, and know-how regarding thorough prior analysis and follow-up management of property after donation. In order to faithfully reflect the donor's wishes and prevent inheritance disputes between family members, Seohyun provides one-stop tax and legal services in conjunction with legal experts.
  • Seohyun has been running a dedicated property tax team and has accumulated a variety of tax planning and practical experience targeting high-net-worth individuals such as CEOs and VIP customers in the financial sector. Based on this experience, we provide differentiated services to ensure efficient asset transfer up to the point of inheritance through tax planning and post-donation follow-up management tailored to the needs of each asset owner. Seohyun will be the best guide for effective asset transfer based on customer understanding and trust.

Detailed Work

  1. -Current status: Basic analysis for establishing a plan, including assets owned by you and your family, personal information, and income
  2. -Asset content analysis: Evaluation of assets held and proposal of effective asset composition plan
  3. -Establishing customer donation intention
  4. -Suggestion of various alternatives, establishment of plan by asset and period, preliminary interpretation inquiry if necessary
  5. -Execution and modification supplementation: Response to situation changes and contingencies
  6. -Aftercare, etc.

Major Performance

  • Planning for stock transfer for S Steel, P Foundation, etc.
  • Inheritance tax reporting for listed companies such as C companies
  • Investigation response
  • After corporate restructuring of S Corporation, gift tax was reduced by 60% through share transfer plan
  • Providing financial institution-linked tax services to PB customers of S Life Insurance and S Bank
  • Multiple (15 to 20 cases per year on average) inheritance tax reports and inspections
  • Providing inheritance and gift services for large amounts (approximately KRW 1 trillion or more based on inheritance tax value)
  • Responding to inheritance tax reports and investigations for stock owners of many listed companies (O Company, D Sugar, D Petrochemical, S Pharmaceutical, H Industry, etc.)
  • H Pharmaceuticals executive and employee gift tax reporting agency

Key Professionals

서현회계법인 대표이사 : 배홍기 Address : 3rd floor, West Building, POSCO Center, 440 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
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